
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is me jumping into the world of Blogging. So, since my life is about to be plastered for posterity on the internet, here are a few things about me: I like nachos and buying shoes, but not super expensive shoes. I really enjoy finding a good bargain, and I think gift cards are the best gift ever. I like cooking really good food, but usually I'm so hungry when I start that I only want to make something that takes roughly the same amount of time as a grilled cheese sandwich.

I have a husband I love very much, and together we have two dogs (Bandit and Brooklyn) and a cat (Fiona). And a beta fish (oscar) and two other fish (Grace and Harriett). I'm all for having more pets, he thinks we have too many. For whatever reason we both take a lot of pictures of them when they're sleeping.

We live in a lovely house on an island in Maine, and I can't wait to share our adventures in making our lives amazingly fabulous, one step at a time.

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